Benefits Of Noise And Vibration Monitoring In Construction Sites
Working on a construction site can never be a quiet job. With heavy machinery and large vehicles on-site, workers have to constantly put on safety gear for hearing protection. Sometimes, the noise levels on a construction site exceed 90 decibels. This can damage a person’s hearing over a long time. What are vibration and noise monitoring? If you have lived or worked near a construction site, you will know the importance of noise monitoring. Vibration and noise monitoring is the regulation and control of noise and vibration pollution through the application of geotechnical sensors and devices. With modern-day technology, there are several ways to monitor vibration and loud noises and take immediate action. Sensors, along with geotechnical monitoring software , plays a significant role on construction sites. Vibration monitoring equipment for construction record noise and vibration and alerts engineers or supervisors when noise and vibration levels ris...